Cycling Italy’s Piedmont

Pedaling the wine hills of Piedmont on this guided bike tour.
  • Length 8 days
  • From USD$4895
  • Style/Level Classic 3.0
  • Countries Italy
  • Begin/End Cuneo/Asti
See related tours

Italy’s Piedmont region is surrounded on three sides by a great arc of the Alps as they rise out of the Mediterranean Sea and curve north and east through France, Switzerland and Italy to Austria. Within this great curve of mountains the Po River rises, forming a broad, fertile plain that forms Italy’s longest river flowing into the Adriatic Sea. It was in the western part of this valley that the Kings of Savoy built castles and fortified cities to protect wine merchants from intrusions by marauding pirates. And it was here that Count Camillo Cavour first proposed the idea of a unified Italian state. The food, the history and the landscape make the Piedmont an ideal destination for cyclists. This cycling tour through the Piedmont region and the Lakes District tour combines the best of Italian and French cuisine and wine with scenic pedaling through rolling hills dotted with vineyards and castles.

***If this sounds great but you’d prefer a longer tour, check out our: Cycling the Piedmont Plus! Lake Maggiore tour.***


  • Piedmont Vineyards and wine tastings, Gourmet regional cuisine, Guided visit of Bene Vagienna Archaeological site, multiple 2-night stays, Langhe area famous for its wine, cheese and truffles


  • 8 days, 7 nights accommodation

  • meals as noted in itinerary

  • 2 wine tastings

  • guided visit Bene Vagienna Archaeological site

  • All Classic tour inclusions

Date Price Private room fee Note
Jun 8-15, 2025 USD$4895 USD$550 Minor itinerary changes coming for 2025. Book by November 1st and save $200 per person. 
Aug 24-31, 2025 USD$4895 USD$550 Minor itinerary changes coming for 2025. Book by November 1st and save $200 per person. 
Sep 14-21, 2025 USD$4895 USD$550 Departure confirmed to go! Minor itinerary changes coming for 2025. Book by November 1st and save $200 per person.  
DateJun 8-15, 2025
Private room feeUSD$550
NoteMinor itinerary changes coming for 2025. Book by November 1st and save $200 per person. 
DateAug 24-31, 2025
Private room feeUSD$550
NoteMinor itinerary changes coming for 2025. Book by November 1st and save $200 per person. 
DateSep 14-21, 2025
Private room feeUSD$550
NoteDeparture confirmed to go! Minor itinerary changes coming for 2025. Book by November 1st and save $200 per person.  

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  • Total distance 305km (190 miles)
  • Average daily distance 51km (32 miles)
  • Tour style Classic
  • Tour level 3.0

Highlights: Provincial capital of Cuneo, Alpine views, Arione Bar and Confectionary, welcome dinner

Gather today in Cuneo, south of Turin. We’ll fit bicycles this afternoon, then you will be free to explore the town and to take a warm-up ride. Be sure to look up the Arione Bar and Confectionary, famous for its “cuneese al rhum,” a chocolate rum candy (Hemingway stopped by here to pick up some of these on a trip to Italy in 1954, the year he won the Nobel Prize.) This evening, we’ll celebrate the beginning of our tour with a traditional Piedmontese dinner together.

Meals : Dinner
Lodging : Hotel Principe

Highlights: Alpine scenery, the 19th century fortress of Vinadio, optional mountain ride

Your ride today follows the Stura di Demonte River valley to the fortress of Vinadio along an historic military road that has now become mainly a bike path. The Vinadio fortress was built by King Carlo Alberto of the house of Savoy in the 1830s and ’40s to protect the Piedmont from possible invasions from France. You’ll be back in Cuneo late afternoon to enjoy a stroll through town.

Meals : Breakfast
Lodging : Hotel Principe

Highlights: Town of Bene Vagienna or Roman “Augusta Bagiennorum,” the Langhe wine region

Your ride today takes you through the small town of Bene Vagienna as you follow an ancient Roman road. Tonight we will be in Monforte d’Alba, one of many picturesque wine villages in the Langhe region of Piedmont.

Meals : Breakfast, Dinner
Lodging : Hotel Villa Beccaris

Highlights: Le Langhe wine region and wine villages, including Barolo, wine tasting

A loop ride today takes you through the vineyards of Le Langhe and the famous hills of the Nebbiolo grape. Along the route you’ll pass through the stunning landscape of La Morra, as well as vineyards around Barolo, Verduno and La Mora. The town of Barolo gives its name to Italy’s most famous wine. The village has an interesting ethnographic and wine museum to visit. We’ll enjoy a wine tasting together this evening.

Meals : Breakfast
Lodging : Hotel Villa Beccaris

Highlights: Beautiful vineyard landscapes

Your ride today takes you through some of the most beautiful vineyard landscapes in Italy. Enjoy the amazing views and h Neviglie and Trezzo Tinella, villages of less than 500 inhabitants, on the way to Alba.

Meals : Breakfast
Lodging : Hotel Castelli

Highlights: Alba, Ferrero chocolates and visit to Coppo, one of Italy’s most famous vineyards

You’ll want to take time to visit Alba before leaving this morning. Not only is Alba the capital of the Langhe wine region it is also home to Ferrero Rocher, the chocolate maker that manufactures Nutella and Kinder chocolate. From here you’ll pedal on to Canelli to visit one of the oldest and most famous wineries in Italy, Coppo. Enjoy a wine tasting and lunch before shuttling on to our hotel in Bistagno.

Meals : Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Lodging : Hotel Monteverde

Highlights: Culinary city of Asti, Asti Spumante

Our destination today is Asti, an elegant town famous for its architecture, wines and culinary traditions. Along the way you’ll pass through Monastero Bormida, founded by a grou pof Benedictine monks around 1050. The current castle correspond to the site of the original monastery. Next up — the rich vineyards of Canelli and the Moscato grape, which is believed to be the birthplace of the Italian sparkling wine “Asti Spumante”.

Meals : Breakfast, Dinner
Lodging : Hotel Lis

Highlights: Bon Voyage!

Your cycling tour of the Piedmont ends today but there is still much to see and enjoy in this area. Have fun exploring!

Meals : Breakfast

Visit our Tour Level page to learn more about terrain levels and how we determine day and tour levels.

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  • Scenery was spectacular. Especially liked riding through the vineyards and the old villages. It was a great experience and hopefully I can book another tour in the future.

    Ray A., Firestone, CO
  • Keep doing what you do, it is superior. The outstanding features are your guides, chalk marking, quality bikes.

    Ole L., Fort Worth, TX